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Summer Science Ideas – Explore and Learn

Science isn’t all about test tubes and Petri dishes, although those can be fun! These summer science ideas will get you and your kids out and exploring. Here are some ideas to help your kids learn from their summer adventures.

The world is full of lessons when you look – just take a lot of photos so you can go through it all later on.

Summer Science | Crab in a tidepoolMarine biology:
If you live in an area (or can visit one) that’s near a tide pool, you’re in for a treat. The variety of critters that you’ll see in a tide pool is vast, and varies depending upon the area. You could go to a tide pool at one location, and only 3 miles up the coast see a different selection of sea life. Try to identify those you find, so that you can look up information about them when you get home. Maybe there’s even a documentary to watch!


Lunar eclipseLunar lessons:
The moon does so much for Earth! It’s very possible that without it, life here would not exist in its current form. Learning how it controls the tide, and you can see it in action when the tides change. It’s one thing to say that the moon controls the tides, but another entirely to witness it.

Find out what else the moon does for us!


Summer is a great time to look at the stars, it’s warm enough to be out late and you have the Perseid meteor shower in August. Try to find the visible constellations in the summer sky, some are difficult to find if you live in the city because the stars aren’t bright enough to get through the city lights, but many others are easy!

After you’ve spent an evening staring at the night sky, have your kids try to draw one or more of the constellations.


Few things capture the imagination of a child like seeing a bird fly off into the sunset. It’s possible to imagine yourself as that bird! Bird watching and ornithology is full of science – physics, biology and more. Pick up a guidebook for your area to learn about the species you might encounter!

Try building a model of a bird’s nest, with a couple of eggs that match one of the birds you observed.


Summer isn’t a time to keep your nose stuck in your books (unless you want to), but a time to get out in the world and explore.

What are you exploring tomorrow?

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