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Homescholar | Review

Lee’s story is much like many of ours, or the story we’d like to be telling five, ten, or even fifteen years from now. She homeschooled her two boys from 3rd grade all the way through high school, and then through trial and error, landed full-ride scholarships for them at their first-choice universities.

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My Little Valentine | Review

During a summer spent researching historical information for his next year’s class, he happened upon the idea to use those same research materials to track down his mother’s birth parents. Months of searching followed, following bread crumbs, and tracking down people who knew Wanda’s birth parents and asking questions.

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Magic Forest Academy | Review

Every lesson connects multiple subjects, and gives a very holistic view of the world in which we live. There are excellent suggestions for keeping a nature journal, researching more sea-faring creatures and people, geography, history, and some mythology too.

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Times Tales | Review

I remember the struggle we had in teaching the twins some of the times tables. The 5s, 10s and others were a piece of cake but 6s and 9s were a nightmare. Just when we thought they were memorized, another part would slip through their fingers temporarily. It was frustrating to say the least. A resource like this would have been a blessing.